1. Absolutely no yiff, furry sex, furry porn,or any other promiscuous acts anywhere on the forum.
2.No bashing of others beliefs, gender, race, sexual orientation,or anything that is different between yourself and another user.
3.No more than one account per user, if it is found out that a user has more than one account they risk having there ability to access this forum lost. (AKA: WE WILL BAN U FOR AN INDEFINABLE AMOUNT OF TIME)
4. no excessive violence anywhere, save for the Serious rp's that allow it
5. We the Administrative staff and the moderatorial staff run the forum, not you the user. Meaning you do not have the right to blacklist certain users form any content that is open for all users, you do not have the right to force the removal of a certain user from this forum.
6.No vulgar language.
7. Do not HACK accounts if you have the knowledge to do so.
8.Respect the staff.
2.No bashing of others beliefs, gender, race, sexual orientation,or anything that is different between yourself and another user.
3.No more than one account per user, if it is found out that a user has more than one account they risk having there ability to access this forum lost. (AKA: WE WILL BAN U FOR AN INDEFINABLE AMOUNT OF TIME)
4. no excessive violence anywhere, save for the Serious rp's that allow it
5. We the Administrative staff and the moderatorial staff run the forum, not you the user. Meaning you do not have the right to blacklist certain users form any content that is open for all users, you do not have the right to force the removal of a certain user from this forum.
6.No vulgar language.
7. Do not HACK accounts if you have the knowledge to do so.
8.Respect the staff.