A lone tigress roamed the reaches of the land around her, escaping false accusations and punishments from her past homes and villages. She treaded her shoeless paws all over the grass of the dyna’atii mountain range and was bound for the town of Bellacomb. The resistance band resided there for all she knew and she wanted to side with them after news of the new leader inheritance of the country’s dictator ruler, Karlye.
She shifted her wings to sprout from her shoulders, and leapt off of the snow capped alpine mountain. They flapped gracefully as she leveled herself with the ground and her eyes scanned for the landmark that would distinguish Bellacomb to any other town, and soon she had found it. A great wall surrounded the village with pikes for traitors and criminals and a stone-carved plaque was pitched up at the town’s centre. Shianne smiled and knew she’d found it. She retreated her distance so no one saw her as she back flipped and spiraled down to land and as soon as her paws touched the meadow green grass, she headed towards her hopeful sanctuary with the resistance in the village.
First she had to find it…